Disclaimer: I'm not trying to say I make DBZ, cause I don't. It's the property of TOEI Animation, FUNimation, Bird Studios, and Akira Toriyama.
I stifled a snicker from my position in the back of the crowd. The mighty Ginyu Force, trying to utilize what they called 'style'. All that posing. My tail twitched in my anticipation as I reached up to brush a strand of black hair out of my eyes. Now we would see who was mightier. Frieza's men, or a Saiyan woman. I doubted they would even want to fight at first. One fault I've noticed in people like these, it's that they think almost everyone is weaker than them. I can suppress my power. Moving from the spot where I had remained stationary, I began to laugh in earnest.
The fight had been going on for two hours now. I was covered in bruises, minor scrapes, and small burns. Repeatedly, I checked my scouter, getting readings, watching for tricks. Guldo was nearly incapacitated, but I didn't kill him. I hate waste. I winced as a fireball grazed past my face and shot a glance at Jeice. Yes, I knew all their names. According to me, it was my business to know the names of enemies. That big oaf, Recoome, was trying to grab my tail, so I dodged, but Burter got it. He was faster than me. The pain was excruciating, but I tried to keep a clear head.
I couldn't stand it. Whipping around, I loosed a ki blast into Burter's face, then fell back. My forehead furrowed as I concentrated my energy into the tips of all ten fingers. It felt warm and pleasant. "Korican…" Something hit me in the small of my back as a knee jammed into my stomach. Instead of the last word of my attack, I emitted a high-pitched shriek of pain. Falling down through the air…
Thump. My left side was all pain, as was my stomach and back. The base of my tail seemed to be pulsing. Even though I could barely think, I managed to squeeze out a few words.
"I really gotta hand it to you guys. You truly are mighty. Oh, and the poses are…" I sank into blissful, calm darkness.
"What?! The poses are what?" Most of the team stared down in consternation at the bruised Saiyan lying half-curled on the ground. Captain Ginyu, who hadn't heard, frowned at the others. When he was informed of the unfinished compliment, he grimaced.
"Now how are we going to find out what she was going to say?"
"Well, Captain, there is the rejuvenation tank…"
"You have got to be kidding me, Jeice."
"I'm not."
"We can't do tha…oh, all right."
When I woke up in the tank, I looked around myself in confusion, the mask still over my mouth and nose. I wasn't dead? I was sure that I would be by now. Milling around, doing little jobs, were assorted aliens. Nobody had yet noticed that I had woken up. A thought occurred to me, and I turned bright red, looking down. Immediately I heaved the underwater equivalent of a relieved sigh. Even though I was in the rejuvenation tank, I was still wearing my spandex jumpsuit, gloves, and boots. Someone noticed that I had woken up and came over to let me out.
As the artificial DNA drained away, I looked around once more. "Where am I?" The rather dog-like creature answered promptly.
"Sarla. The rejuvenation room." He, or she, or it, frowned slightly. "We must inform the Ginyu Force that you have awoken." It had a piping, funny voice. Then it hurried out.
"The Ginyu…?" Suddenly I remembered. Before I could finish my sentence I had fainted. They must have put me in there so they could here the end of the sentence. I felt embarrassed, though rather triumphant in that I had managed to stay alive. Standing up, I hopped out of the tank.
Trooping boots and a heated argument resounded through the halls outside the medical chamber. Something about some soap opera or other. I swallowed hard. It's difficult not to be nervous when you're about to talk to people who nearly killed you. A very tall, muscular form appeared in the doorway, took note of me, and went back into the hall. I walked over to the door and looked out at where the Ginyu Force was standing.
"If you want to talk to me, then talk. Otherwise, I'll be getting my armor and scouter back right now and leaving. And kindly do me the favor of not blowing me up or anything like that."
"Who are you?"
"You really want to know? Or should I just say one of my fake identities?"
"We really want to know. Tell us. NOW!"
"All right then, Captain. I'm nobody to be trifled with. A Saiyan. A warrior. Name of Rehanna. Satisfied?"
"Why are you here?"
"Looking for my brother."
"He's probably dead."
"Vegetasei is gone."
"How? When? Why? Tell or be sentenced to an eternity of Sailor Moon reruns."
The Captain cringed at that thought. Then he stopped. "Wait a second. You're supposed to be answering the questions, not me."
"I believe you've established that point. Did you want me to finish what I started saying before I fainted?"
"Yes, do that."
"I was saying that the poses are cool. 'Cept that you need some special effects to make it all more impressive."
"And you know of someone who can help with that?"
I bowed, hand on my heart. A grin spread over my face. This would be the best way to keep tabs on my enemies. "Moi."
"Prove it."
Nodded, I began to concentrate my energy on the tip of my index finger. A whispered 'Korican Hy' shot it out in a thin beam. With all my mind brought to bear on that one beam of ki, I started to bend it. It twisted, turned, and finally connected back to itself. 'Captain Ginyu' floated in the air, written in purple ki. "Does that serve? I can change the color if you like." None of them answered me. They were all too busy staring at that letters. Gripping the shape with part of my mind, I concentrated the rest of my brain, and soon the names of all the members of the Ginyu Force hung in the air, colored variously. I flicked my fingers and the words disappeared. "I also do pictures, sound effects, colored smoke, armor designing, cooking, armor mending, and choreography. I am versed in many fighting styles and techniques and have some medical training. So, am I hired?"
I noticed that they were staring at me. Still grinning, I tilted my head to one side and crossed my eyes. They snapped out of it. But a couple of them still had looks of suppressed wonder on their faces. "Mousetrap on your tongues?"
Finally Captain Ginyu answered. "What do you charge?"
"Per month? 25 of any currency with a reasonable exchange rate, plus room, board, and meals."
The still gaping warriors conferred among themselves. For a few minutes they argued, but then they stopped. It took several minutes more before they came to complete agreement. I stood there, leaning against the doorway to the medical room, arms crossed over my chest. My foot tapped impatiently. Captain Ginyu turned around.
"You're hired."
"Oh, good. Anyone care for a chocolate peanut butter bar? I have some in my space pod."
As I often had to when I was working for the Ginyus, I held back a giggle. Grabbing a handkerchief from the pile I always had with me, I stood up. "Oh, for goodness sake, Jeice, it's just a little bloody nose. Take the hankie, hold it over your nose, and pinch your nose with one hand. I would think one of the mightiest fighters in the galaxy could deal with something like this." Who would have known that he was so terrified of getting hit in the face?
"But it hurts!"
"Oh, this is ridiculous. Get over here." I folded the handkerchief over once, wiped off his nose, and draped the handkerchief over it. "Ok, now just hold the handkerchief there. The bleeding should stop in a minute, along with the pain. Just think. It could be worse. I could have shot a Korican Hy up your nose." The orange man winced. Behind him, the rest of the Force, though still training, were trying not to laugh. They weren't succeeding. Looking over, I glared at them. "And that is exactly what I will do to you people if you don't be quiet." They shut up.
Jeice sat down on a bench, holding the handkerchief on his nose. It was really hard to believe that the mightiest team in the galaxy was so…goofy. That was the only word I could think of to describe it. They weren't really stupid, they certainly weren't wimps, and you could call them dangerous, but they were supposed to be that way. It just didn't make sense. All the endless games of Rock, Paper, Scissors, them devouring almost all my chocolate bars… The list went on and on. Often it was tempting to say they were idiots, but I suppressed that.
"It stopped."
"That's very nice, dear, now hand over the handkerchief and you can get back to training." Once he was back at work again, I started doing push-ups. My training litany rolled off my tongue, under my breath. Happily nobody where I worked had yet asked who my brother was. I was afraid I would end up very dead if someone found out that I was Prince Vegeta's brother. There were only supposed to be three Saiyans left, so I didn't want Frieza learning who I was. I kept my tail hidden at all times. But I could play my wiquari, since there were very, very few people who knew of Saiyan music. My stomach had other plans. The food alarm in my brain and my stomach went off, and I hurried to make myself lunch.
After consuming three ten-pound sandwiches, a large salad, an entire cake, and about two bottles of soda, my stomach calmed down. Leaning back on a cloud of air, I yawned. There was more work to do. Somehow Recoome had managed to rip his armor, so I had to mend it. I still hadn't figured out good poses for Guldo and Burter, because they needed some newer ones. And, even though I didn't have to do it, I needed to clean out my room. I myself lived in a room in the ceiling, which I reached by a trapdoor. It was a very pleasant little room. The members of the Team lived in the rooms just beneath me, that is to say I lived in their ceiling. They were rather loud, and kept the volume on their television up too high, but I coped.
By the time they were all done training, I had finished what I needed to do. Sticking my head out from the open trapdoor, I watched them clomp in. The captain's arm was bent at a strange angle. "Again? When will you people stop breaking bones? Recoome, I fixed your armor." Floating down, I handed him the now mended armor, then went back up to grab my medical kit. "Seriously! This is the third time in two months that one of you has broken some major bone. I am really getting sick of it." It took the work of ten minutes to set the bone in place and put on a cast. I was really sick and tired of that routine. Looking over the rest of them, I bandaged several minor cuts and a large lump over Guldo's top left eye.
"Burter, you need to eat less. You're going to start getting fat soon. Recoome, I think the soaps you watch might be rotting your brain. And Guldo? Start working out more, and try those exercises I suggested. If you want to be able to hold your breath longer, you need strong lungs."
"For once, you idiot monkey, will you shut up!"
"I'm sorry, Burter, but no, I won't shut up. Even us monkeys hafta know something. Now be a good boy and listen to what I'm telling you, or there will be no chocolate bar for dessert." I finished with the bump on Guldo's head and peered up at the blue alien towering over me. "Get rid of the scowl."
He got rid of it. Though I'm not famous for it, I can proudly count myself as one of the very few people who could order the Ginyus around. They didn't really like it, and I couldn't tell them what to do all of the time, but I could sometimes. A loud rumble sounded from the stomachs of just about everyone. Sighing and rolling my eyes up to the ceiling, I went to do the cooking. Cooking is an excellent time to think about any number of things.
By this time, I had been working for the Ginyu Force for a year and a half. It was really rather a strain on my head. They were so odd. But they were very funny, and could be rather nice people sometimes. All the endless posing, messed up armor, and loud soap operas at midnight. More poses, a great deal of cooking, occasionally cleaning up their messy rooms. And Kaio, were they messy rooms. Sometimes I wished that I worked somewhere else, but then I would dismiss that idea. There was a good income, a lot of exercise, and the possibility that I might find my brother. My dearest older brother, whom I'd never met but for one three minute period of silence, my prince.
I had a headache. The team was going to some big meeting today. So, of course, every hair had to be in place. Armor was washed, everyone cleaned off. And I had to do inspection while they were getting ready. I was coming, of course. To do special effects. Reaching up to cover a yawn, I watched them.
"Guldo, Recoome, you need to adjust your armor. Captain, you've stained part of your armor. Go clean it off. Burter, your scouter's on crooked." I blinked and stared. "Jeice, your hair is a mess. Give me the brush and get over here." I took the brush from him. "If you want your hair to look nice, you need to brush it properly." In a few minutes, all the tangles were out. "Better. Look in the mirror, Jeice."
"Are you sure I look all right?"
I sighed. "Yes, Jeice. You look fine. Remember, I just fixed your hair."
"Completely sure?"
"Completely sure. Isn't that the look you were aiming for? It usually is." I extended one arm behind my back and slapped away the large hand that was about to grab the end of my tail. "Don't try that again, Recoome. I can tell when you are, so it won't work."
Looking over my shoulder, I grinned. The huge man was scowling furiously and rubbing at his hand. "I would think you'd've learned by now. It is about the fiftieth time I've slapped you. Next time you try, you get a Korican Hy up your nose. Or maybe in your ear."
He grumbled. "All right."
It was a few hours after the meeting. My face had gone dead pale.
Jeice had asked me the question. It sounded innocent enough, but I knew that my life expectancy depended on how I answered. Firstly, if simply told them that I couldn't say who my brother was, they'd get suspicious. Secondly, I had to tell them something. Thirdly, if I told the truth, that my brother was Prince Vegeta, I would probably be mentioned to Frieza and end up dead. There were only supposed to be three Saiyans left in the universe.
I told them that since my brother was probably dead, there was no use in revealing who it was. They accepted that. But then I found out that they had to meet with Frieza in a few days. And that I had to come with them. I went pale again, and stayed that way until Burter remarked that I was starting to look like a fish's stomach. So, I went to do my packing.
When we landed, them with their big clunky ships bouncing onto the landing pads, me with my ship's delicate, strong legs, I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. My tail was wrapped tightly around my waist to keep it from being noticed. Nobody noticed me anyway, since the team was putting on quite a flamboyant display of posing. I simply walked timidly behind them, which was hard, since I am not by nature a timid person.
In the presence of Lord Frieza, I was ignored. This was a relief, because I doubted my ability to hold my tongue. If there was one person I hated, it was Frieza. He destroyed my home, killed my people, and controlled my brother. A little bit hard to stomach, that. So I stayed leaning against the wall, arms folded over my chest, and watched. There was Zarbon, Dodoria, the Ginyus, and obviously Frieza himself. It took incredible control to keep myself from exploding and trying to blast him to bits. To deal with my anger, I used one of my most amusing abilities. Gathering power in the tips of my fingers, as I so often do, I spun it out into a string of ki. Attaching the ends, I started playing a one-person game of cat's cradle. It was purple.
It was the wrong thing to do. The peculiar type of power I generate called everyone's attention to me. I ignored them and continued playing with my ki string. Each and every person in the room stared. Acting casual, I looked up, finally completely calm from my game. One eyebrow arched, and I smirked, making myself look as arrogant and unconcerned as possible. "Is there something wrong with the design? I can change it." There wasn't anything wrong, since at the moment I had a perfect picture of a space pod looped onto my fingers in ki string. Wrapped tightly around my waist so it would appear like a belt, my tail nearly twitched. "Or should I stop? Is my playing bothering you?"
A sharp dismissive gesture from the Captain was all it took. I dissolved the string, levitated, and lazily floated towards the door on my back. Still looking arrogant, I raised a hand, waved nonchalantly, and flew out. Once out of sight of everyone, I sighed in relief.
Later, I was amazed to find out that Lord Frieza had specifically requested that I play wiquari at some banquet or other that night. Of course, it wasn't referred to as a wiquari. More along the lines of 'that flute thing.' So I wore the best armor I had, and I went to the banquet and played wiquari from a comfortable seat on top of a mid-size column. There was other music too. As it so happened, Zarbon could play something rather like a lap harp. It had a very pleasant sound. Then there were the other, more well-known instruments, none of which I have bothered to learn anything about, not even names. They are of lesser music, and of no comparison to the wiquari.
During the course of the meal, I spoke to many people. Most were completely boring, since they didn't want to talk about anything but fighting. I know this is a peculiar attitude for a Saiyan, but it's the way I am. At one point, I actually got to talk to Zarbon. As it so happened, we had each greatly enjoyed the other's music. He was very polite.
When the banquet was over, I went back to my seat on top of the column and played cat's cradle more. This time my ki string alternated blue and red. Thinking that nobody was watching, I unwrapped my tail from around my waist. It waved slowly around, side to side, up and down, in little circles. A small yellow beam grazed past my right cheek, raising a small breeze that ruffled my hair.
Someone had noticed. I stood up, leapt down from the column, and rolled as I landed. Frantically, my tail lashed from side to side. There were soldiers following me. I took a power reading on my scouter, laughed, annihilated two of them, and jumped into the air. There was time for me to do one quick thing before grabbing my small amount of luggage, getting into my ship, and blasting off to a different planet.
One of the frustrated soldiers bent over to pick up the note that was on the ground. It had been written in haste, though with neat, elegant handwriting. It read: