K-san, Y-san, G-san, etc. - Very strange nicknames that Rehanna uses for her friends sometimes.
Rehanna - Read her profile. It explains.
Sake and Bardock - Rehanna's kids. Twins. They have profiles too, or at least they will.
Na-chan - Juunanagou's nickname for Rehanna.
Korican Hy - Rehanna's main attack. It consists of shooting continous ki beams out of the tips of her fingers, and she can control exactly where it goes and what color it is.
Kamikaze Ha - I won't explain here.
Sen Masen Masenla Ha - A very, and I mean very, fast ki-blast of Rehanna's.
Sen Masen Korican Hya - Guess.
King Chiisu - You'll see.
Catala, Arin, Koral/Konal/Kodal, Yosho/Azusa, Sanna/Sarra/Salla - Tenchi's kids. "Children At Play" explains.
Chan - What Sake sometimes calls her friends.
Suriana Anamaria - She shows up in a couple of my fics. From an alternate timeline.
A note: You may notice that the Ginyus, Radditz, and Zarbon are included in some fics. You'll find out about it in one fic.