
I really need to thank some people or groups because of something they did to help this website.

My parents for their support.

My sister SSJAlex for bugging me to finish "Utter Confusion". If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know how to password-protect my docs.

ChibiGenkiMaster, because those things are so KAWAII!!! Don't you agree?

Akira Toriyama for drawing Dragonball in the first place.

Rumiko Takahashi, because she made Ranma! (And Kuno!)

Jengou and Tomo of Juunanagou's Temple and Tomosei for hosting fics I wrote.

Jengou and Tomo again, and also Meri of the Tot and B-chan for just making their cool websites.

The entire cast of the X-Files, since right after I've watched it, I always get an idea or two.

Whoever invented sugar and caffeine.

My brain for getting me through this.

FUNimation, because even though thr dubbing isn't great, at least they brought DBZ to the US.

Sailor Moon for being the first anime I ever watched.