A Mealtime Ilahi
Allah bize lutfelt sukur alhamdulillah
Nimetine garketti, sukur alhamdulillah
La ilaha il'Allah
Yiyelim nimetini, sukur alhamdulillah
Analim hazretini, sukur alhamdulillah
Umariz rahmetini, sukur alhamdulillah
La ilaha il'Allah
Muhammad kadem basti, sukur alhamdulillah
Sefi olmakti kasti
Hakkim sevgili dostu
La ilaha il'Allah
God has been gracious to us, thanks and praise be to God
He has drowned us in His blessings...
There is no God but God
Let us eat of His blessings...
And remember His presence...
And hope for His mercy...
There is no God but God
Muhammad set his foot (in the world)...
And became the Intercessor,
The Beloved Friend of Truth
There is no God but God

from Serving the Guest: A Sufi Cookbook
Copyright © 1999, 2000 by Kathleen Seidel
Sources of previously published material by other authors used by permission, and print sources for images, may be found at http://www.superluminal.com/cookbook.