Sufi Prayers Before the Meal
Praise be to Allah!
May He increase His bounties.
By the blessings of Abraham,
By the Light of the Prophet,
By the grace of Ali,
By the war cry of Muhammad,
By the secret of Abdul Qadir Gilani,
we beseech Thee to be gracious to our Pir.
O Thou, the Sustainer of our bodies, hearts and souls,
bless all that we receive in thankfulness.
Bismi Sah even Allah diyelim kadim Allah diyelim
Geldi Ali sofrasi destur
Ya Sah diyelim,
Sah versin biz yiyelim
Sah demine keremine hu.
In the name of Ali, the King! Let us first say Allah.
Let us say Allah the Uncreated
The table of Ali has come
Let us say, "Permission, O King!"
Let the King give us food; let us eat.
For his breath, for his generosity, let us say Hu!
Elhamdu lillah, elhamdu lillah, elhamdu lillah
Essukru lillah nan-i merdan, ni'met-i yezdan, berekat-i haliylurrahman.
Hakk berekatini vere.
Bu gitti, ganiysi gele.
Somat sahibinin niyazi makbul ola.
Cumle gecmislerinin ve gecmislerimizin ervah-i
mukaddeseleri ha dan u sadan ola.
Lokmalar nu ola, huzur ola, iman ola.
Alla teala yapan lardan, yiyenlerden, hiz edenlerden hosnut ve razi ola.
Demler safalar ziyado ola.
Dem-i Hazret-i Mevlana, sirr-i cenab-i Sems-i Tabrizi, sirr-i Atesbaz-i Veli
Huu diyelim, Huuu.
Praise be to God! Thanks be to God!
May the keeper of the table be accepted by God
By the breath of Mevlana
By the excellent secret of Shams-i Tabriz
By the secret of Ateshbaz-i Veli
Let us say Hu, Huuuu.

from Serving the Guest: A Sufi Cookbook
Copyright © 1999, 2000 by Kathleen Seidel
Sources of previously published material by other authors used by permission, and print sources for images, may be found at