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The Chakki-Nama
Chakki-namas were Sufi poems sung by women of medieval Bijapur as they ground millet at the chakki, or grindstone.
First was God's name, and then His qualities
In my mind I keep the name, and with each breath Say la ilaha, dwell in il'Allah
God Himself from the hidden treasure
Has created the whole world artistically. He has created it with His own power. Say la ilaha, dwell in il'Allah ![]()
God Himself came out from the hidden treasure
And showed Himself in the guise of the Prophet. Say la ilaha, dwell in il'Allah
In the presence of God, the Prophet is chief
Whose teachings have given us support in both worlds. Say la ilaha, dwell in il'Allah
The Prophet's khalifa is Ali, who is dear to Him,
And whose disciples are our pirs. Say la ilaha, dwell in il'Allah
Our pir has taken our hands in his;
He has given us connections whole-heartedly. May he keep this connection forever. Say la ilaha, dwell in il'Allah from Serving the Guest: A Sufi Cookbook |